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The Virtual Mathematics Centre at St Augustine College offers high-quality professional online courses primarily for mathematics teachers, but also for anyone with an interest in mathematics.

Each online course consists of a number of focused video lessons, together with supporting materials and resources. All video lessons are available on demand with no time limit. With our online courses, you have the advantage of access to the content anywhere and anytime.

Currently, we offer the following three courses.


  1. Excel for Teachers: Excel-lence in a Day

  2. Uncapping the CAPS Mathematics

  3. Mathematics and Music, a Duet













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The Presenter

These online mathematics courses are presented by Professor Michael Glencross. Prof Glencross, BSc, BSc(Hons), BEd, MPhil, DPhil, PGCE, has been involved extensively in education.


He has taught mathematics and statistics at high school, college and university, and has supervised postgraduate research students at master’s and doctoral levels. Prof Glencross’s areas of interest and expertise are in the fields of mathematics education, statistics education and research methodology and design. He is a Professor Emeritus of the Walter Sisulu University for Technology & Science. He is also a keen musician and plays lead trumpet for a Johannesburg swing band.

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