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  • Whelan, G. "The Human Person: Cause or Solution to the Ecological Crisis?"
  • Rakoczy, S. "Dorothy Stang: Ecological Prophet and Martyr"
  • Smurthwaite, M. "Laudato Si’: An Ethical Reflection"
  • Tlhagale, B. "Discrimination Rooted in Culture: The Basis of Violence against Women"
  • Ndlovu, L.M. "Book of Ruth: Liberation in Action?"
  • Vengere, T.M. Book Review: Land Degradation, Desertification and Climate Change (2016) by M.S. Reed & L.C. Stringer
  • Duncan, G.A. Book Review: Systemic Crises of Global Climate Change: Intersection of Race, Class and Gender (2016) by P. Godfrey & D. Torres
  • Duncan, G.A. Book Review: The Creator’s Symphony: African Christianity, the Plight of the Earth and the Poor (2015) by K.J. Kaoma

St Augustine Papers Vol 17 (2016

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