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  • Simkins, C.  “International financial and economic architecture:  Is it fit for purpose?
  • de Kadt, R.  “Global political power transitions:  States, regimes and regions in the post cold war era
  • Winterberg, J.  “The relevance of social market economics in the current global situation”
  • Moss, R.  “Ethics and the Economy:  A critique from the perspective of Catholic social       thought:   New directions in economics and ethics:  toward a new world order”
  • Landau, L and Misago, J.  “Malthusian misery or the promised land?  Reflections on mobility, violence and Africa’s urban future”
  • Rowe, N.  “Positive and normative aspects of economics in basic education:  An investigation into the economics and management sciences curriculum in South Africa”
  • Smurthwaite, M.  “Ethical challenges of the current economic system:  the common good:  access to global forums, distributive justice, management of the global commons and climate”
  • Boulle, L. “New directions in economics and ethics – towards a new world order:  New Directions in global financial regulation and governance”
  • Walmsley, G. “New directions in economics and ethics:  Towards a systematic relationship”

St Augustine Papers Vol 11 2010

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