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HOD of Social Sciences: Full-Time Associate Professor; Coordinator & Lecturer of M. Phil in Culture and Education & Honours in Peace Studies; and, Lecturer in Psychology & Sociology. Chair of Student Support Services and New Staff Orientation


“I swim towards the shore

Only to find

That you have enlarged the sea.

You leave me dazed with more desire

And give me more muscle

To swim again towards you.”


Hadewijch von Brabant’s contemplation occupies my learning, living, and rebirthing.  My personal, professional and political stance is that of discontent: ‘knowing’ is beyond my grasp; being attached to set ideas has allure yet is illusion. As the scales of illusion fall from my eyes I am compelled to ‘swim again towards you’. This discontent rests on the duality of inclusion and exclusion. My enduring pain is experiencing, witnessing and colluding with exclusion: be it educational, personal, political, social or spiritual. My life’s work as a being, as well as academic, activist, educator and professional is to include, and challenge exclusion. I desire ‘more muscle’…..




  • My post graduate studies began with a B.A. Honours in School Social Work, University of the Witwatersrand - for which I received the M. C. O'Dowd Award for Excellence in School Social Work Practice. I continued my interest in education and obtained a M.Ed., University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Being attracted to the academic freedom and spirituality of St Augustine College I completed a D. Phil. here at St Augustine College that focused on transitional justice and reconciliation.

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