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HOD: Humanities / Senior Lecturer (Full-Time): Philosophy & Applied Ethics

BA (Hons), Th.B (Hons), MA (North West University), D. Litt. et Phil (Unisa)


Head of Philosophy & Applied Ethics, Jaco is known for his passion for reconciliation and bridge building.


I consider myself a regular person of Afrikaans descent trying to live with wisdom in the world and especially the South Africa of the 21st century.


Having spent some years as a full time member of a Department of Philosophy, I also had the opportunity to work in the Social Services in the United Kingdom and subsequently to be a pastor in a religious community in Pretoria.  Being part of a religious community afforded me the opportunity to be involved in various community building and community development projects across a variety of communities.


During the past decade and a half I was fortunate enough to travel widely in Europe and Africa (Sudan, Burundi and East Africa, the whole of the SADEC region.)  I feel enriched by these experiences as philosophy is, in my view, as much an art as an academic discipline.

I often have more questions than answers, but I have a passion to search for what mediates between seeming opposites.  Put differently I have a passion for reconciliation and bridge building.


I am married to Donette Werkman-Kruger and we have two daughters, Madeleine and Marianné.


CV can be downloaded from here  


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  • My post graduate studies initially focussed on a philosophical and theological engagement with the methodology of the natural sciences.  My honours study comprised an analysis of the core epistemic values underlying Wentzel van Huyssteen’s model of rationality for theology, while my Master’s dissertation was an attempt at a typology of the Faith-Science debate building on insights of the Dutch Christian philosopher, C.A. van Peursen.

    In 2012 I was awarded the degree D.Litt et Phil. from the University of South Africa (UNISA) in the Department of Religious Studies.  My doctoral thesis attempted a critical engagement with the 20th century theological turn in phenemenology, specifically the work of Jacques Derrida.

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