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Time to be announced.


53 Ley Rd



Time & Location

Time to be announced.

53 Ley Rd, 53 Ley Rd, Victory Park, Randburg, 2195, South Africa


About the Event

R2 400.00


Dr Fr Wojciech SZYPULA


1 – 5 April 2020, 8h30am – 17h00Cost excludes course material.This master module explores the Scripture of the Old and New Testament from the perspective of salvation history and the covenant. These two intrinsically connected facets of the biblical revelation form a consistent thread which runs through all the diverse books of the Bible. These two concepts together also form a universal background against which the Bible can be studied as a coherent unity. The module consists of five parts: 

• Methodology and foundational issues for holistic and critical study of the Bible

• Biblical covenants and their application: the Pentateuch and history of Israel

• Israel’s interpretation and appropriation of the covenants: the prophets and wisdom literature of the Old Testament

• Fulfillment of the Old Testament covenants and the new covenant: the Gospels

• Christian interpretation and appropriation of the new covenant: epistolary and apocalyptic literature of the New Testament 

The methodology for this course rests on recognition of the human-divine dialectic in creation, handing on and interpretation of the biblical texts. Hence the study of the relevant texts will include moving through their three essential dimensions: historical, literary, and theological. The aim of this multifaceted approach is twofold. First, the course provides essential methodological tools for biblical analysis: historical knowledge relevant to the unfolding of salvation history, socio-cultural background for understanding the biblical worldview and knowledge of the biblical literary genres necessary for comprehension of the biblical mode of expression. Second, through the study of the theological concepts which unify the various biblical books the course supplies a solid theological foundation for interpreting the biblical texts in their own context and on their own merit which is the absolute prerequisite for their correct interpretation and application to the contemporary life and world. 

Additional information

If you are interested in this module, please register on-line below, or ‘phone Mrs Helen HARTWIG on 011 380 9000, or email Please deposit the amount in the St Augustine Bank Account.  

Please reference your deposit with your SURNAME and the Name of the module (eg A. AURELIUS ‘Moral Theology’).  

Please email your deposit slip to: 

Name of Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa

Account Holder’s Name: St Augustine College of South Africa

Account Number: 02 251 79 28

Branch Code: 006305 

Alternatively, should you wish to study the module as part of a postgraduate degree (Theology, Philosophy, Business Ethics, Social and Political Ethics, Culture and Education, Peace Studies), please visit the postgraduate degree section of the St Augustine Website, or contact our Registrar, Mrs Petru HARRISON (011 380 9011;

St Augustine also offers a range of undergraduate degrees (BA, BCom (PPE), BTh).  Should you require further information please visit the undergraduate degree section of the St Augustine Website (, or contact our College Administrator, Mr Thulani DUBE (011 380 9010; 

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