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Articles that explore possibilities for transformation through education may be submitted for peer-review.
They may focus on any tier of education: Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Graduate or Post Graduate.


Articles focusing on any of the following themes are welcome:

  • African philosophy/epistemology for education today

  • Catholic perspectives on education

  • Education theory for contemporary education

  • Education for moral imagination

  • Creativity, critical thinking and consciousness in education

  • Migration and education

  • Feminist contributions to education

  • Transforming education in post-conflict societies

  • Inclusive education

  • Education in a multi-faith and multicultural setting

  • Education in a digital era

  • ​

Additionally, potential authors are encouraged to submit papers highlighting other aspects
of education not listed above that apprehend transformation for education.

Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2020

Guidelines for the authors can be found below.


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